重慶市恩睿斯科技有限責任公司被譽為“卷材控制專家”坐落于兩江交匯處、美麗的山城重慶,是一家集光學、機電、電子、互聯網為一體的高新技術企業,專注糾偏系統、張力系統、測寬系統、測厚系統、視覺檢測系統等設備的研發、生產、銷售與服務23年。 恩睿斯擁有優質的設計研發團隊,為把恩睿斯打造成世界一線品牌而不懈努力。研發中心現有研發人員均由在本行業從事10年以上具有豐富經驗的科研人員組成,他們創新能力強,善于新器件應用,軟硬件技術兼備,團隊專業涵蓋面廣。如今,公司研發軟硬件平臺設備齊全,測試手段完善,技術資料及技術儲備雄厚,擁有國家發明專利五項,實用新型專利八項,外觀專利十五項,軟件著作權十二項。通過了ISO9001質量管理體系、兩化融合管理體系,榮獲專精特新和小巨人等稱號,公司產品獲得歐盟CE、EMC電磁干擾、ESD靜電測試等國際認證,公司產品因技術領先、品類齊、交付快、性價比高等特點,暢銷于薄膜紙張、橡膠、標簽、紡織、衛品、瓦楞紙、鋼鐵、新能源、醫藥、視覺終端等行業。一年賣出十萬套,合作伙伴覆蓋全球150多個國家和地區。恩睿斯以“持續創新卷材控制技術,助力中國智能全球化”為使命,秉承創新、誠信、感恩、專業的價值觀;堅持“聚焦卷材控制,努力實現客戶、團隊與企業共贏!”的經營宗旨,不斷追求卓越,致力于將恩睿斯打造成為卷材控制全球優質品牌!
Chongqing ARISE Technology Co., Ltd. is located at the intersection of Liangjiang and beautiful mountain city Chongqing. It is a national high -tech enterprise integrating optical, electromechanical, electronics, and the Internet. The development and production of web guide systems, tension control systems, width/ thickness measurement systems and web inspection systems. ARISE has a top design R & D team to make unremitting efforts to make it a world -line brand. The current research and development staff of the R & D department consists of scientific researchers who have been engaged in the industry for more than 10 years. They have strong innovation ability which covers a wide range. We have four national invention patents, eight practical new patents, 10 appearance patents, and two software copyrights. The company‘s products have obtained international certification such as EU CE, EMC and ESD test.Passing the ISO9001 quality management system, the integration of the two management system, won the title of Specialized New and Little Giants.ARISE's products because of leading technology, category, fast delivery, high cost performance characteristics, been sold in film paper, rubber, label, textile and corrugated paper, steel, new energy, medicine, visual terminal and other industries. It sells over 100,000 sets a year, to more than 150 countries and regions around the world. ARISE takes "continuous innovation of web control technology to help China's intelligent globalization" as its mission, adhering to the values of innovation, integrity, gratitude and professionalism.Sticking on to the business purpose of "focusing on web control and striving to achieve win-win results for customers, teams and enterprises!", we constantly pursue excellence and are committed to building ARISE into the world's number one brand in web control field! |